badger11’s take on anime

Akihabara@DEEP Ep 8 - War of the Maids

So the @DEEP team and Akihabra manage to survive the zombie attacks from the last episode. Now Akanechin, the maid cafe that Akira work’s at is under attack. From the scantily clad maids of Nagomichin, a new maid cafe that opened up next door. The new maids invade Akanechin and hand out fliers and basically use their skimpy uniforms and sex appeal to lure Akihbara’s otakus into the cafe. Page, Daruma, Taiko, and Box sneak into Nagomichin’s (they have to sneak otherwise Akira will clobber them all) to scope out the competition. Unknown to the guys, Yui’s A.I. disappeared and Izumu thinks that it’s out on the Internet, learning and growing smarter. She’s concerned because this disappearance was sudden.

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Nagomi, the owner of Nagomichin’s urges her maids to increase their “service” to the customers in order to keep them out of Akanechin’s made cafe. Some of the maids complain about the skimpy maid uniforms and having to rub up against the customers. Nagomi tells them about the Legendary Maid of Akihabara who created what could be considered the first maid cafe. And it Nagomi inherited the title of Legendary Maid from the first one. So, in effect, her words are the law in the maid cafe world. Nagomi also goes so far as to show them that she’s wearing the wool Rainbow panties of the first Legendary Maid she inherited when she was chosen as the successor to the Legendary Maid. This causes any doubts that the maids might have had to disappear and they work harder to attract and keep more customers.

Nagomi some of the maids to leave Akanechin and work for her cafe. She promises them five times their current salary and also lets them know that she’s the second generation Legenday Maid. Nagomi pressures the maids to start selling high priced photo books of her to get more money out of the customers. One of the new maids discovers that Nagomichin’s is also a front for a prostitution ring when she sees on the of the other maids lead an otaku into the back. She’s stopped by another maid before she can find out more about what’s going on. Their costumes now change from maid outfits to bikinis and the customers are allowed to grope the maids as part of their “service”. When the ex-maids from Akanchin try to quit, Nagomi shows them the fine print on their contracts. Quitting is considered a breach of contract and the fine is one million yen.

Back at the @DEEP office, everyone is surprised to find out that Daruma’s gotten hooked on going to Nagomichin’s maid cafe. He’s so hooked that he even bought her photo book, paying about 42,000 yen (about $350 at today’s exchange rate) for it. The Akira’s former coworkers now show up at the office, asking for her help. Akira and the team agree and much to Izumu the hacker’s dismay, she goes undercover as a Nagomichin maid. While she’s undercover, Izumu discovers that the food the cafe serves is leftovers from other customers, customers are paying 50,000 yen for what they think is panties from the maids but turns out to be regular socks. She even gets more evidence about the prostitution racket going on. Is this something the Legendary Maid would condone? With this in mind, the team sets out to save the maids of Akihabara from Nagomi and her ero-maid cafe. Will they find out who the mysterious old man is and what does his cryptic warning about Nakagomi really mean?

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